Your unique summer holiday in Sweden | Holidays in Småland

We here at #myownSweden believe that there are many of us tired of being pressured by the external environment to do certain things and behave in a particular way. Especially when it comes to our holiday. Such as people telling us the “must go places” on our holiday, otherwise we would be “missing out” and our trip “wouldn’t count” if we didn’t go to the places they recommended.

Go Where the Fish Bite

With a motorhome you can easily reach the lakes where the fish bite. Our partners offer parking with a lakeside view.
Hiking old-growth forest Dalarna

Hiking in old-growth forest Sweden

Hiking in old-growth forest Dalarna is an amazing nature and cultural experience. you walk right into a unique forest with knowledgeable and friendly guides.
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Cykelkungen bike rental Göteborg

Bring a fully served bike along on your motor home trip! We collaborate with Daylight Husbilscenter and Skanditrip Premium Motorhome Rental in Göteborg.

Småland has something for everyone | Småland stories

People come to Småland for different reasons, whether it’s to create unforgettable new memories, or to escape from daily routine. Despite its name, Småland isn’t small. Småland isn’t only a place you go to, it’s where you can discover yourself.
The emigrant route

The emigrant route

Utvandrarleden or the Emigrant route in South of Sweden, go for a hike through forests, meadows, along lakes, cottages and stone walls.
Hiking Southern Sweden Wandern

Hiking Southern Sweden

There are many places to hike in Southern Sweden. Visit Biosphere reserves, nature reserves or hike around a lake.
Outdoor cooking

Outdoor cooking in Sweden

There is something very special about outdoor cooking. The closeness with nature, togetherness with friends and family. Become an “outdoor chef”!