The emigrant route

The emigrant route

Utvandrarleden or the Emigrant route in South of Sweden, go for a hike through forests, meadows, along lakes, cottages and stone walls.

Visiting Sweden in April | Easter and Valborg

There are 2 major holidays in April in Sweden, Easter and Valborg (Walpurgis Night). Easter is often a time for families to gather, like Thanksgiving. Valborg is a time to drink, dance and celebrate around a bonfire with family and friends.
Vikbron a bridge with a history

Vikbron a bridge with a history

Hike on the pilgrim's route the Old King´s Road" and park overnight by Vikbron in a stunning and historical landscape along the river Ljungan.
Hiking old-growth forest Dalarna

Hiking in old-growth forest Sweden

Hiking in old-growth forest Dalarna is an amazing nature and cultural experience. you walk right into a unique forest with knowledgeable and friendly guides.
culture and heritage Dalarna

Tag culture in Dalarna

The people of Dalarna har proud of their culture culture. Traditions, old and newer ones
Viking Runestone Blekinge

Experience life in Viking Villages in Sweden | Top 5 Sites

Another thing Sweden is known for, other than Ikea and Volvo, is Vikings. Did you know that many Viking expeditions started in Sweden? Even though Norway is credited as the origin of Vikings. But many of them set sail from Sweden and traveled east.
cycling in the Kingdom of Crystal

Cycling in the Kingdom of Crystal

Cycling in the Kingdom of Crystal. We have selected the most interesting sights and places. Try packages or combine to create your own bicycle trip