A day in Åkersberga and Roslagen

Nature around the corner

About the article

Author: eva Oscarsson, Director Tourism & Rental at Motorhome rental

Emails: contact@skanditrip.se

Phone: +46706438918

Related links: https://skanditrip.com/motorhome-rental-stockholm/

Description: The coastal municipality of Österåker

A day in Åkersberga and Österåker has a very special meaning to me.

I was brought up in a municipality on the Stockholm northeast coast, Österåker in the region of Roslagen. The location of my childhood is Österskär.

The archipelago was around the corner. As a child, I took the bike to the closest public recreational water area – Österåkers havsbad (local seaside beach). In front of me I had the Bay of Trälhavet with its stretches and islands. The Swedish summers which are short, painstakingly beautiful, and full of outdoor activities. The days are long and there is plenty of time to go swimming on secluded beaches, go fishing in a rowing boat or jump off a cliff.

It is to a great extent a commuting community with people traveling in on the commuting trains and buses to the center of Stockholm, or by car. See below how to reach Åkersberga by public transport.

Åkersberga is. the head location of Österåker

Shopping in Åkersberga

There are several shopping centers in Åkersberga. In the very centre, close to the train station you have an indoor shopping mall with shops, restaurants and library

Nature around Åkersberga

Österåker is the 6th largest municipality in the country of Stockholm. Water is predominant and part of the municipality is  231 km² sea and  11 km² lakes and inland water course.  There are 1 100 islands. The most important ones are Ljusterö, Finnhamn, Husarö and Ingmarsö.

Camping sites for motorhomes close to or in Åkersberga

On the Golf course Åkersberga GK there are 6 motorhomes pitches ( info in Swedish).

There are also municipal motorhome overnight parking on the address  Båthamnsvägen,  just by the channel, Åkers kanal. In total there are 4 motorhome pitches.

Swiming in lakes and on the coast line sea side beaches.

If you come by train to Åkersberga you can jump off at the last station Österåker. Now you are close to the coastline and a bit further up the Österskär peninsular you can enjoy the outdoor beach and recreational area Österskärs havsbad

Österskärs havsbad/ Österskär sea bathing  (called Solbrännan) is on the coastline with a view of Trälhavet

Breviksbadet is the largest coastline beach in the municipality and on the shores of Trälhavet

Drängsjön, Domarudden is a popular outdoor recreational area by the lake Drängsjön. Child-friendly beach as well as a sauna, trails for hiking and a restaurant. There is also beach volley and a small fotboll pitch.

Take a half or full day on a sauna raft at a beautiful lake along the viking sea route to Uppsala.

Other places for swimming are Garnsviken is a small bay with a nice beach, Badholmen is on a peninsula with slightly higher water temperature then the other coastline swimming areas. Fiskartorpet is another sea side beach. Valsjön is another lake and the only access is by a short walk through the woodland in Tråsätra.

Åkersberga is also gateway to Roslagen and its stunning nature areas

Åkersberga and Österåker

Archipelagos in Sweden – information for your trip

If you start your your Sweden roundtrip in Åkersberga you have access to stunning archipelago and  Baltic Sea coastline going northbound

If you prefer to go the Swedish coastline southbound you will in a shorter time have time to cross several counties and historical regions.

Characteristic of the Swedish archipelago ( den svenska skärgården) are that you can find a cluster of islands with few inhabitants on each island. The archipelago areas, consist of both islands and parts of the coastal area. There several different definitions of the term archipelago. One that I found is that an archipelago refers to islands along the coasts as well as adjacent mainland areas. Nevertheless, islands in the larger lakes also have conditions that fits in with the definition of a archipelago.

Six regions with archipelagos

  • The coast of Norrland with the following counties; (Norrbottens, Västerbottens, Väster- norrlands och Gävleborgs läns
  • Stockholms, Uppsala and Södermanlands
  • The countries Östergötland and Kalmar
  • The South coast , counties of Blekinge och Skåne.
  • The archipelagos of the West Coast ( Counties of ästra Götaland and Hallands )
  • Island in the big Swedish lakes such Vänern, Vättern, Hjälmaren, Mälaren, Storsjön and Ivösjön)

Coastal towns and municipalities in Roslagen

Österåker is part of Roslagen which  is a coastal region in the country of Uppland. Some of the municipalities worth a vist are Vaxholm,  Norrtälje and Östhammar.

Rent a motorhome in Åkersberga and start your trip around the Swedish coastline

Åkersberga and Österåker

Accommodation in Åkersberga and Roslagen

Bed and Breakfast in Åkersberga centre

Hostal with a castle view in Bogesund ( In Swedish)

Cosy hotel in Vaxholm and Bed & Breakfast

Trains and buses to Åkersberga

The train going to Åkersberga is the “Roslagsbanan” run by www.sl.se.  This is the greater Stockholm public transport traffic authority ( under the Stockholm region county council)  for land-based public passenger transport within Stockholm County as well as for shuttle boat lines in Salt Lake and Lake Mälaren.  Waxholmsbolaget is responsible for sea traffic in the Archipelago.

Th main train station from the center of Stockholm for trains to Åkersberga is Östra Station. Metro station Tekniska Högskolan.

You can also take the red metro line to Danderyds Sjukhus ( the hospital Danderyd) and then a commuter bus. This option is good rush hours ( as there are many buses going) or if, in the summer, they are doing maintenance work on the rails.