Winter outdoor and sports break with a taste for learning in South Sweden
Outdoor-activities by the lake: A great way to enjoy nature and the company of friends and family.
Nature and sports Sweden a perfect fit. Nature is close. Find a perfect overnight parking with activities.
Reach your sport destination or event fast and safe. Rent a motor home in Jönköping or Göteborg
The Swedish forests are great for Mountain Biking and MTB tours
Reach your bike destination fast and safe. Rent a motor home in Jönköping or Göteborg. The motor homes are equipped with bicycle racks for up to 4 bikes.
Swedish countryside party and get-together, often takes place in a family owned summer cottage. Some have a house in their hembygd i.e the place of origin. For others we just want a secluded countryside place by water.
Motor home and cycling: A great way to find and try your favourite trail
Looking for a great way to cool off this summer? Why not try take a nice swim in a lake? Swimming in a Swedish lake is fun, relaxing and a wonderful way to experience the Swedish nature.